Hola! Please join us on our Iberian Odyssey – First stop Madrid, Spain.

This is my son Taylor.  You know, the one who goes to school 2,483 miles away at Duke University in North Carolina.  That doesn’t look like his dorm room at Duke you say?  Well, you’d be right.  Because for the summer of 2012 Taylor moved 5,829 miles away to Madrid, Spain.  He decided, and we agreed, that a summer on the Iberian Peninsula was just what every college student deserves. And after all, he is a Spanish Minor and Duke has a really good study abroad program in Madrid, and he is half Spanish and his Grandfather’s, Grandfather’s Grandfather all walked this land before him.  After all, he needed to get to his roots!

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

The thing is, he started calling this other woman “Mama” even though her real name is Laura.  I wasn’t jealous or anything, rrrreally!

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

And it wasn’t like she was a better Spanish cook than I am or anything………………..

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

OK, well I’ll admit it, she does make a really good take on Spanish Gazpacho, Madrid style.

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain, Empanades de Bacaloa

But just because she makes the best darn Empanadas de Bacalao isn’t any reason for a son not to write home every day, is it?

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain, #Pimentos de Padron

But what’s a mother to do when she doesn’t have access to Pimientos de Padron to serve on a daily basis?

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

She invites herself to dinner of course!  At Laura’s house,  in Madrid, Spain.  And, so the saga began as we embarked on our own Iberian Odyssey, beginning at my son’s home-away-from home in Madrid, Spain with his lovely host family.  Now, don’t get me wrong, we didn’t move in or anything!  OK, well just down the street…………….. within walking distance…………….. to the Plaza Major.  

Plaza Major #AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

I found this really cool flat through a vacation rental company called “Spain Select.”

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

And we selected a two bedroom apartment right in the heart of Madrid.  In that white building on the left.

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

Come on in!  Brad & I will show you around.

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

See, it’s right up there on the 3rd floor.  Austin’s waiting for you!

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

“It’s just up these really ancient wooden steps, worn down by many Spaniards before us”.  “Come on, it’s good exercise after all that food at Laura’s house.”

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

“Austin, mind your manners, we have guests!”  “Wait, did you change your shirt?”

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

“Look, I know the Spanish senoritas are “hot” but so is this room.” ” You’re airconditioning Madrid for god’s sake!”

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

OK, so as you can see, we had a lovely, modern living room with internet no less.

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

And here’s our bedroom.  “Honey, did you have to start unpacking before I could show these people around?”

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

And I made sure there was an extra bed for Taylor, just incase I could tear him away from Mama Laura’s cooking for a couple of days.

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

“Look Taylor, I said, the Mercado de San Miguel is just down the street.”

#Pimentos de Padron, #AfterOrangeCounty, #Madrid, #Spain

“They sell beautiful Pimientos de Padron.”  I’ll buy you as many kilos as you like!”

Mercado de San Miguel #AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

“They even sell them cooked with Gazpacho!”  “We’re in luck!”

Bacaloa at Mercado de San Miguel #AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

“And see, they have Bacalao (salted cod fish), your favorite!”

Mercado de San Miguel#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

I know you love cherries.”  These look delicious!”  “They better be for 16 Euros a kilo, but who’s counting?”  “I bet Laura doesn’t buy her cherries here.”  

#AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

“I’ll even buy you some Jamon Serrano, they have the Iberico blackhoof  Pata Negra brand here.”   

Wild Mushrooms #AfterOrangeCounty.com, #Madrid, #Spain

“And I promise I won’t make you eat these delectable wild mushrooms.”  “I’ll be happy to sacrifice my own desires in favor of yours!”  “Just come home for dinner, pretty please.”


To be continued……………………

Do you have a child studying abroad?  If so, where?  How many miles away from you are they?

All opinions expressed in this post are my own.   All photos are the original property of Celia Becker @ www.AfterOrangeCounty.com and may not be reproduced without specific permission.
