Become a tea mixologist. Enjoy a refreshing combination of Bigelow tea poured over ice and served with fresh peaches, Sangria style!
Recipe type: Beverage
  • 4 Cups Fresh Cold Water
  • 3 Bigelow Perfect Peach Tea Bags
  • 2 Bigelow Green Tea Bags
  • 1 Bigelow Mint Medley
  • 5 Cups Sliced Fresh Peaches
  • 8 Cups Ice Cubes + More for Serving
  • Juice of 2 Fresh Lemons
  • ⅓ Cup Stevia Sweetener
  • Fresh Mint for Garnish
  1. Bring water to a rolling boil.
  2. Place the Perfect Peach, Green & Mint Medley tea bags into the boiling water.
  3. Turn off the heat and cover the pot.
  4. Allow the tea to steep for a full 20 minutes.
  5. Once the tea has completed the steeping process remove the tea bags.
  6. Don't squeeze the bags, as this releases bitter tannins into the tea.
  7. Add 8 cups of ice cubes to a heatproof container and pour the tea over the ice.
  8. Add the lemon juice and stevia to the tea and mix to combine.
  9. Fill a large, clear glass container or pitcher halfway full of ice.
  10. Mix the sliced peaches into the ice.
  11. Pour the iced tea over the ice and peaches.
  12. Garnish with fresh mint.
  13. ENJOY!
Recipe by After Orange County at