I love this quick, easy and delicious Bruschetta, Lentil & Feta Cheese Dip Recipe. It’s made with 3 simple ingredients from Trader Joe’s. It’s good! Try it!

I love this quick, easy and delicious Bruschetta, Lentil & Feta Cheese Dip Recipe. It’s made with 3 simple ingredients from Trader Joe’s. It’s good! Try it!
Hello! My blog is called After Orange County for a reason. I used to live in Orange County, California; specifically in Coto de Caza. While I love my life “after orange county” there are lots of things I do miss about living in the city. One of the things I miss is a Southern California restaurant […]
Hi, thanks for stopping by! Once again, today I am reliving our 4th of July celebration on Lake Arrowhead and passing along another recipe from that evening. Today I’m sharing my Red White and Blue Sangria Recipe. This patriotic White Sangria is the perfect refreshing beverage to serve at your next summer soiree. And it was a perfect […]
Hi! I hope you and your family had a lovely, celebratory 4th of July weekend. As I told you in yesterdays post, we celebrated our 4th of July on the lake. And as promised, all this week I am going to share my recipes for the food I prepared for our 4th of July dinner. These […]
Hello there! I hope you enjoyed a wonderful 4th of July weekend. Ours was spent at our dock on beautiful Lake Arrowhead… with great friends… delicious Red,White & Blue Sangria… and yummy appetizers including my recipe for Feta Cheese & Lentil Dip… We ate a delicious dinner… took a boat ride on lake… and watched […]
Happy 4th of July! Remember, our freedom and democracy were obtained at great cost. So, wave your flag proudly today! Image Via I pledge Allegiance to the flag Image Via of the United States of America Image Via and to the Republic for which it stands, Image Via one nation under God, indivisible, Image Via […]
Hello, As I have mentioned before, I love Pinterest! Pinterest is a wonderful vehicle for finding inspiration and then being able to easily and quickly file it away for future reference. Before Pinterest I was a magazine hoarder. I’d rip out pages for inspiration and then spend hours fileing the tear sheets. I love that […]
Hi! Every 4th of July I make The World’s Best Red Potato Salad Recipe to serve at my 4th of July dinner on the dock. So, just in time for your 4th of July celebration I’m going to share my recipe. Here goes: Hard boil 1 dozen eggs. For instructions […]
After Orange County is a publication dedicated to living life in the slow lane. I escaped The OC for life at a higher elevation. Leaving suburbia behind, I now live in the beautiful mountain resort of Lake Arrowhead. Join me at 5,000 feet above and beyond as I cook, garden, renovate, entertain, travel and live life After Orange County.