Today on the blog I’m sharing how I made a cute Advent Calendar for my Grandchildren. It’s so special to experience Christmas through the eyes of a child.

Today on the blog I’m sharing how I made a cute Advent Calendar for my Grandchildren. It’s so special to experience Christmas through the eyes of a child.
Holiday greetings from Lake Arrowhead! If you’ve been following my blog for a while you may remember that for several years I’ve been in charge of making the centerpieces for a Holiday Luncheon and Fundraiser held each year at our Country Club. Last year I made these glistening gold Christmas trees for the tables. I […]
LEARN TO MAKE YOUR OWN HOLIDAY WREATH – DIY TUTORIAL WITH COVERGIRL NANCY HUNTER CORBETT In my last post I introduced you to my friend Nancy Hunter Corbett. If you missed reading about Nancy’s life as an International Covergirl and former Rock & Roll wife, you can read all about it here. In addition to […]
DIY GOLDEN CHRISTMAS TREE CENTERPIECES – A TUTORIAL I’m feeling a little nostalgic today. I’ll try not to get too gushy though. It’s just that it seems like yesterday when my son Taylor was a senior at Rim of the World High School. Now he’s a senior at Duke University and he lives in that […]
After Orange County is a publication dedicated to living life in the slow lane. I escaped The OC for life at a higher elevation. Leaving suburbia behind, I now live in the beautiful mountain resort of Lake Arrowhead. Join me at 5,000 feet above and beyond as I cook, garden, renovate, entertain, travel and live life After Orange County.